Sunday, September 23, 2012


Ahhhhh yes. That slight chill on the breeze, that soft hint of coolness that kisses you gently on the cheeks as it drifts across your face. The trees are just beginning to give us a sneak preview of their colorful performance to come. That hint of spice on the air, the garden has pretty much gone to sleep for the year, stepping out onto the deck in the morning to see a flock of geese heading south in a V formation...yes, Fall is here. I love this season.

Tonight is the first truly chilly night we've had. It's inching down toward 40 F. I had to bring a few of my plants in since it may actually dip down below 40 tonight, and my herbs can't take the cold. That's fine. I knew when I got them that they would have to winter in the house. Have you ever smelled a rosemary plant? I now have four of them setting on top of the wooden chest at the far side of my dining room. Speaking of nice scents, when I went outside to bring the rosemary plants in, I caught a sweet, warm scent on the air. Someone on this road has lit their fireplace tonight.

But it's really not cold in this house. There's a little bit of a chill, but it's a nice break from the sweltering nights we've had over the summer, and it didn't take running the AC on high to cool it off. Yeah, a nice cool night, just comfortable cool in the house...

...and my HUSBAND has turned the HEATER on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh well. I guess one person's "it's nice and cool in here" is another person's "holy crap it's freezing in here!".

Pretty soon we'll be lighting our fireplace. I love that thing. My grandfather built the thing himself. He as a class A welder during his Navy years, and he put that talent to a lot of use in his later years. He could build anything, and he built the fireplace that is in our living room. It heats the whole house without a problem. I love it. I love the sound of it, the smell of it, the coziness of it, the memories of it from when I was little....and it keeps us from having to use electric heat hardly at all during the winter!!! :) husband, who has turned the heater on at the first hint of a chill in the air, can't understand how I'm eating ice cream at the moment! LOL!!!

I guess it is just a little chilly in this house. I love it. It seems the coldest months make the warmest memories. :) Chilly in the house, not cold. Big difference. I'm just enjoying this first chilly night. It's about 65 in the house. Just nice and cool. Ahhhh, perfect!!!


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