Friday, September 28, 2012

Watching My Little One Grow

My three year old little girl has been in preschool for a month now, and of course I've wondered how she will do. I'm a mom, of course I worry about how she's doing, especially when she has a big transition like starting school!!!!

The first week was a bit rough. I have to admit it. The excitement wore off a bit after about the third morning she had to get up at 7 am. This little gal has been used to sleeping in! The first week was fraught with tantrums and trying to see just how much she could get away with. But, she has a teacher who knows very well what she's doing, she's been teaching for years, and was able to help Emily get used to the new routine, and my husband and I helped her finish adjusting to the new routine at home that we had tried to start a month before school ever began.

As I said, we're a month into it now, and she LOVES it!!!!! She is coming home every day with some new song they've learned, or some new game, she's counting a little higher than she was before school began, she's learning her ABC's, and she's learning her colors. She knew a little of this stuff before school started, but she's taken off like a rocket since she's been there! And all she talks about these days is her friends at school. She comes home with art work at least one day a week, so my refrigerator has begun it's second career as an in-home art museum (think magnets and finger paint!) and she's so eager to do the projects she comes home with. We made applesauce the other night as one of her assignments. I did the cutting and the cooking, she mixed in the ingredients...when she wasn't eating the apples!

And the parents get really involved as well. There are get-togethers every week for the parents, not really meetings, just a time for the parents to get together and get to know each other, and we have a lot of fun. I went to the conference room yesterday after I dropped Emily off for class and spent an hour just drinking coffee and talking to other moms and the director before I went to work. We're planning a float for the Christmas parade.

The school she goes to is very interested in their volunteers. They welcome any of the parents who can give time for anything. I told the teacher I would love to come in and help one day in October when they plan to make fall crafts, and I also told her I know how to make finger paint and play-dough. I have the recipes, and they're so easy, and it saves the preschool some money. I have a pine cone bird feeder project I asked about doing and I was told it's a great idea. Looking forward to it, as soon as she tells me when they want me to do it.

And, as soon as they set the orientation meeting date, I have an application in for substitute teacher. I used to teach, and I've realized how much I missed it, so I'm trying to get back in. I need to renew my credential. I don't need it to sub, but if I renew it I can become a full time teacher. I enjoyed it when I was doing it, but I had to walk away from it when I had a couple of miscarriages. It's hard to work with and take care of other kids when you have a doctor telling you that you may never have one of your own. But I now have a 3 year old, healthy, happy little girl, so I'd say that problem is resolved.

But I digress. This post is pretty much about my daughter and her new adventures. So far she is having a ball and I'm having a lot of fun getting involved. :) She's growing so fast, and I'm really glad she's getting the chance to be around a bunch of kids her own age and have fun learning. These years are so important, and I think we have her off to a good start. I'm sure I'll blog more about her school adventures as the year progresses!


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